If your 241D coder appears to be missing prints, there could be one or more of several reasons, including a faulty print signal from the host packaging machine or incorrect print signal timing settings in your host packaging machine or in the 241D itself.
First you should check that the print signal is set in your host packaging machine to occur when the packaging material is stationary. You should also check that the timing of this print signal also allows the 241D coder to finish printing before the packaging material moves on again. If either of these are not the case, then you need to change the timing of the print signal - you will need to refer to the host packaging machine documentation for this.
If you have checked the print signal timing and are sure it is correct, then we recommend you use the Marsh 241D App Troubleshooting utility.
If you still require help, please contact our support specialists - you can do this via the Chat facility from the Home Page or Product Page, or via the Contact Us form.