The Marsh 241D coder has an adjustable parameter to add a time delay from when the Marsh 241D coder receives an external print trigger to when the M241D starts printing. The print delay of the Marsh 241D can be changed using the Marsh 241D App. The maximum print delay is 500ms.
The print delay can be used to aid print quality or machine interaction problems. For example:
- To allow more time for the host packaging machine substrate to stop moving before starting printing. For best print quality, the Marsh 241D needs the substrate to be perfectly still when the printhead is in contact with it.
- To accommodate for a sensor or host packaging machine print trigger variation that could cause the M241D coder to think it has more than one print request.
To use the print delay functionality on the Marsh 241D App, simply connect to the App to the coder (see here how to do this) and then go to Coder Control -> Settings -> Coder Print Settings and then select your preferred print delay from the pre-set time intervals.